Generate thousands of design suggestions in a few minutes
Draw part of a layout and ask Termite to complete
Evaluate design based on requirements
Think out of the box
Analyse the design quality and improve it with your creativity. Termite helps you to expand your design imagination border.
Solve Architectural design challenges with computer vision
Generate dozen of plans of the same topology. Check different geometrical plan boundary on a same physical program. Edit the machine provided solutions realtime.
Compare alternatives from multiple perspectives
Evaluate the construction cost along side the design. Termite helps you to control the balance between realization and imagination.
Time saving
Cost Control
More Creativity
Cloud storage
Easy design share with your colleges. Update your design any-where any-time !!
Data Driven Design
REMOVE overdues BY Save your design data for future designs.
Generative Design
Personalize your machine results by feeding it. Generate dozens of plans from different design styles.
Interactive Workflow
Submit Your request, ezplore dozens of designs and edit them real-time. change the machine generated design and create a new design model.
Termite Intelligence is a cloud-based, web service, smart design environment accessible anywhere on electronic devices. It enables users to seamlessly integrate innovative solutions into their projects with ease.
Build a nest on your local CAD software for Termite to collaborate with you in design. The Termite nest is an open-source cross-platform to bridge the local design environment to the Termite Intelligence cloud. The document on easy connection is ready for Rhino3d at the moment. The upcoming versions of ArchiCAD and Revit are on the way.
Shift from traditional design to modern environment
Equip your design environment with ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
Termite Nest is a plugin for Grasshopper3D inside Rhinoceros software. In the current version, the possibility to link the output with Rhinoceros environment is available . The upcoming version will be linked to other CAD systems such as AutoCAD, Revit, etc.
With the power of Reinforcement Learning Termite learns from you how to draw based on your style. Also, It will helps you to integrate other design styles with yours